Bulli, NSW, Australia
+61 406 940 780

Category: RTT

Clinical Hypnotherapy - Psychotherapy - Rapid Transformational Therapy - EMDR - Meditation - Breathwork - Author

Healing the inner child – symptoms

One of the awesome tools I use with clients in Rapid Transformational Therapy (RTT) is around healing the inner child. When we use this in a session, it’s incredibly healing and transformative. My clients love the process and continue to use it well after our sessions. You may have heard about healing the inner child…
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Embracing change

Embracing change At a very base level, we want and need to feel safe.We want to feel secure. This is a natural response. And when we have been doing things a certain way for a long time, we get comfortable and feel safe…even when what you’re doing isn’t in your best interest. Essentially we can…
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While I have been away on my teacher meditation course, I have delved further into Polyvagal Theory. (Anyone interested? Go Google…bloody fantastic!) Something the theory talks about is coregulation…so let’s delve into it! Why? Cos’ it’s flipping relevant. So, my friend – what is coregulation? Most of you are already doing it, and I am…
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The road to meditation part #2

Part one here… So, in the last blog, I spoke about ‘noticing’… here’s an excerpt: Notice what you do/say/react/cope with stressful moments. Notice without judgement – knowing that you are human and this is occurring due to a natural response to keep you ALIVE. So, I am guessing that you have been NOTICING your reaction…
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Meditation won’t work for you

Meditation won’t work for you. Being a strong advocate for meditation, why am I telling you it won’t work for you? Well, my friend – I think we should chat about your mind’s responses to fear/stress first. Think ‘cave man’. Think about how as a caveman/woman how your biggest focus was to stay alive every…
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Re-write your story

I talk about this a lot with my friends. I’m so lucky that I have people around me that are open to this. And when I say ‘this’…I mean the stories we tell ourselves. Because essentially we tell ourselves stories all the time. It’s kinda like a narrative of why we can/can’t do something, and…
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Simon’s Story

The power of hypnotherapy astounds me still and I thought I’d share a lovely story from a client in New Zealand. Have a read: I was a little nervous prior to meeting Emma as I had never been put into hypnosis before and was not sure what to expect.  Emma was warm and friendly and put…
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What is alignment and how do you achieve it?

I was journalling on ‘alignment’ not quite three years ago – see the pic and something occurred to me.  Being in alignment in myself, as a parent, in my biz and all other areas of my world is something I continually work on. It’s not easy, but… anyone can do it.  But before I get…
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My soul wants to tell you something…

Now, let me be clear here. I didn’t wake up today and think to myself ‘ I need to share something’. I actually woke up a little groggy from a Christmas last night… What I did do was open my laptop with a coffee in hand and just started typing.No thinking. No decisions. Just doing.…
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What is RTT?

What Is RTT®? Rapid Transformational Therapy® embraces many of the positive aspects of hypnosis and hypnotherapy that are known to produce a transformative effect on clients: the use of trance, regression and hypnotic conditioning. However, RTT® goes beyond, diagnosing what works with clients to build a new therapeutic approach. Unlike many hypnotherapists, RTT® does not rely solely…
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