Bulli, NSW, Australia
+61 406 940 780

Author: admin

Clinical Hypnotherapy - Psychotherapy - Rapid Transformational Therapy - EMDR - Meditation - Breathwork - Author

Damned if you do. Damned if you don’t.

You are damned if you do, and damned if you don’t. My story about ‘mum’ guilt. It really doesn’t matter what you do, or don’t do – you get mum guilt. Mine started upon conception. I didn’t believe I was pregnant and went to doctors to get a blood test – I couldn’t get the…
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I am not waiting

It’s my time. It’s my life – My story. It’s been a tough few months. It’s also been a great few months. It’s kinda funny how life throws you curve balls and you don’t know whether you should duck, hold your breathe or run for the hills. I have done all of these and then…
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I can’t remember.

It’s the same thing. Over and over again. The same bloody pattern. The same mistakes. The same thoughts. When will I learn my lesson? When? I am so frustrated. Angry even. Over. It. All. When will I learn? Then. A voice inside says…”When you have actually learnt it…” Nooooo! What? I haven’t learnt this lesson…
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Your story. Is it real?

What if it wasn’t real? What if it wasn’t actually true? What if none of it was reality? What if all of those stories you tell yourself are made-up? Your crappy job. Your sh*tty relationship. Your money issues. The arguments with your family. Those friends that drain you. The body you are ‘dealing’ with. You…
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It’s a no from me

I didn’t notice at first. In fact, it wasn’t even an issue in the early days. Okay, okay. People can say the wrong thing when they are angry or emotional. I get it. I have done the same in the past. I am far from perfect and have had an outburst (or two, or more)…
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I am a bad mum.

I am a terrible mum. Just awful. I don’t care. I care too much. I don’t provide enough. I provide too much. I don’t listen or watch. I listen and watch extremely. I don’t love enough. I love too tight. I am late. I am early… I am the worst mum. Ever. Or so my…
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Freedom. What image does this encapsulate for you? I know that when I think of it… I see Mel Gibson in Braveheart. FREEDOM! Remember that film? So what does it mean to YOU? What is freedom? Is it financial? Is it freedom from your job/relationship/insert your thing here. Is it having the freedom to ‘think’…
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You like it

You are in pain. You are suffering. You are feeling heavy, sluggish and tired. You know you can help yourself, but you are too busy to make the change you know you need. You are too preoccupied with getting that thing done, sorted, organised, finished. You also know you can ask for help and reckon…
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Your Mask

Your mask. You wear it well huh? You know what I am talking about too, hey ? The smile you plaster on your face, when inside you are really shattered. The fake laugh you make, when inside you want to scream. The breath you hold, when you see that thing/person/situation. The face that is now…
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The bullsh*t of balance

You know those kind of dreams that you feel like you are trying to get to a destination? Yet you can’t seem to get there? Or that you are trying to get to something before it happens? Like you are running out of time? The dream where you feel like you are constantly ‘searching’ for…
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