Bulli, NSW, Australia
+61 406 940 780

Category: Living with intention

Clinical Hypnotherapy - Psychotherapy - Rapid Transformational Therapy - EMDR - Meditation - Breathwork - Author

Back to basics

Yep, I am harping on about self-care again. Cos, really? It’s flipping essential and ongoing. And when I say ongoing, I mean ONGOING. There is no end to this. Yours (and my) self-care is vital and never-ending. And even I forget this. I recently took a few days off social media. Not because I hate…
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The right time

Waiting for the ‘right time’ really shits me. (Non-Aussie people, this is a term we use…I am not unwell 😋) Phew, it feels great to have said that out loud! I hear it all the time.‘I’ll do that when…’‘I’ll wait until…’‘Now is not the right time to…’‘When x, y and z are in place, I…
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Embracing change

Embracing change At a very base level, we want and need to feel safe.We want to feel secure. This is a natural response. And when we have been doing things a certain way for a long time, we get comfortable and feel safe…even when what you’re doing isn’t in your best interest. Essentially we can…
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The language of breath

The language of breath. Since my course last week on meditation and breathwork – I have tuned into people’s language on this. Let me give you a few examples; I need to catch my breath.I need space to breathe.I need the room to breathe.I need breathing space.I need breathing room.Let me just breathe for a…
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While I have been away on my teacher meditation course, I have delved further into Polyvagal Theory. (Anyone interested? Go Google…bloody fantastic!) Something the theory talks about is coregulation…so let’s delve into it! Why? Cos’ it’s flipping relevant. So, my friend – what is coregulation? Most of you are already doing it, and I am…
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The road to meditation part 3

So you have been noticing your patterns and are starting to be aware of what you’re doing. Great. You have also started to focus and again be aware of your breathing. Read part 1 and 2 of this blog HERE. But we haven’t reached being able to meditate…just yet. But, if you do feel you…
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The road to meditation part #2

Part one here… So, in the last blog, I spoke about ‘noticing’… here’s an excerpt: Notice what you do/say/react/cope with stressful moments. Notice without judgement – knowing that you are human and this is occurring due to a natural response to keep you ALIVE. So, I am guessing that you have been NOTICING your reaction…
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Meditation won’t work for you

Meditation won’t work for you. Being a strong advocate for meditation, why am I telling you it won’t work for you? Well, my friend – I think we should chat about your mind’s responses to fear/stress first. Think ‘cave man’. Think about how as a caveman/woman how your biggest focus was to stay alive every…
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Re-write your story

I talk about this a lot with my friends. I’m so lucky that I have people around me that are open to this. And when I say ‘this’…I mean the stories we tell ourselves. Because essentially we tell ourselves stories all the time. It’s kinda like a narrative of why we can/can’t do something, and…
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Lessons in detachment

Lessons in detachment Leading on from this week’s blog on surrender, I mentioned detaching from the outcome. If you haven’t read it yet – please head there now. Then come back to this one. 🙂 So we need to surrender, let the F go and allow all that is coming to us. You get that,…
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