Bulli, NSW, Australia
+61 406 940 780

Category: Mindset

Clinical Hypnotherapy - Psychotherapy - Rapid Transformational Therapy - EMDR - Meditation - Breathwork - Author

Inner Critic FM

I didn’t want to write anything today. I procrastinated about finding the charger on the laptop and wondering if I needed another cuppa before I was ‘ready’. I looked for distractions like clearing the kitchen, washing the towels and even contemplating attacking the cluttered garage (knowing that I wouldn’t return for probably days). I checked…
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Selfish is the new black

#selfishisthenewblack   Definition of selfish:   1. devoted to or caring only for oneself; concerned primarily with one’s own interests, benefits, welfare, etc., regardless of others. 2. characterised by or manifesting concern or care only for oneself: selfish motives.   Hearing the word itself – what do you feel?   Guilt, negativity, sadness? What else?…
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The F Word

Yes my friend, we are going to talk about the F word. A lot. So strap yourself in. This word gets thrown around more than you realise. If affects you more than you know. It stops you more often than you realise. Nope it’s not even a curse word. That word is nothing in comparison…
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I am sick of you

I am sick of you. I am sick of you not doing what you are told. Not doing what you are supposed to do. Not doing your job. You frustrate me with your excuses, lies and bullshit. You anger me with your laziness and you are killing me with your lack of participation. Am I…
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Being Human

I stuffed up. I lost my mojo. I lost track. I lost my momentum. And its ok. Really my friend, you are stuffing up too. And it’s totes ok. Totally ok in fact, that I want you to do it again. Then forget to beat yourself up. Why are you so hard on yourself? You…
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I Can’t

I can’t lose weight. I can’t do that. I can’t go there. I can’t do that thing. I can’t. It’s easy to say what you can’t do hey? Super easy in fact…as you are actually wired to ‘can’t’. You are wired to focus on what you cannot do.Yep it’s that cave­man thing again my friend.…
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I told her she was rude and she hired me

Being you. Being the REAL you. Being the YOU that is unapologetic, authentic and real. Why are you being fake? Why are you saying ‘things’ to fit in? Doing things to fit in. Wearing things to fit in. Why are you not being you? Do you think you know what people are thinking? You think…
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I knocked Eckhart Tolle from #1

Okay so you may not have heard of Ekhart Tolle. But if you read or are into anything self-development wise you would have to be living under a rock. He is like the master of self-development and I am a big fan. Over the weekend (Saturday actually) I was messing around with Amazon account as…
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I get it. You hear it all the time. You see your friends/family/people on social media doing it. But you don’t understand WHY you can’t. Can’t what? Does it matter? Its that THING. That thing that bothers you. That thing that has bothered you for years in fact. That thing that you think you have…
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I forgot

I’m totes ok with putting my hand up and saying I am far from perfect. Imperfectly perfect I call myself actually. This last week I didn’t do my usual daily rituals. *what are they? I’ll tell you at the end of the post* This last week I was out of routine. This last week I…
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