Easy ways to use social media to create a following – Part 1

What you need to understand firstly with all social media platforms is that their aim and purpose is to be social.
Facebook’s mission has changed over the years, and right now, they are focusing on ‘community’. So going with that concept – you need to create a community.
But hang on! I hear you say; I only sell dresses. How do I create a community around that?
You engage with your people.
I follow Gary Vee (Gary Vaynerchuk) on social media and have seen him speak a few times when he has come to Australia for a whistle-stop trip to Australia. He is not for everyone, and he swears more than me…but he is on the money every time he talks about his community.
He talks about ‘engaging’ with his community/fans a lot. So much so…I suggest that you head over to YouTube later and go watch what he has to say about this. Take note: you will be inspired!!
This means spending time talking to them, connecting with them, and giving advice/value.
What does this look like in the real world?
It means responding to all comments made on pics/videos.
It means thanking each person individually on comments.
It means ‘liking’ their page or following what they do.
It means commenting on their content and liking their posts.
It means reaching out to them via message or DM to say hi and ask if they need anything.
It means doing this every day. Yes, even on weekends.
It means getting organised with your time/day to fit this in.
Are you tired yet?
Quit complaining! You are using a free platform to advertise/connect/deliver content to your customers.
I’ll say that again.
It’s FREE.
Get over it.
Yes, the platforms will change their algorithms — a lot.
Yes, what worked last week may not work again this week.
Yes, you will get frustrated.
But again. These are FREE platforms, and you just need to work with them.
Or not.
Your businesses success will come from effort. You can’t expect to go online and instantly get sales.
But, I can tell you that with using the tips in this blog, making an effort and being consistent – you will get there.
Jeez…the blog you are reading is free, the tips I am teaching are also free (or super low cost), and social media is free. So, use the shit I am teaching, and you are already ahead when you get your first sale! The paid stuff can come later, and that really is another story.
“Your discipline creates your freedom.”
Okay – rant over.
Creating a community can also mean literally creating a community on Facebook. If you have a business page, you can also connect a community page to it. So when people love your biz stuff, they can also join a community to talk even more about it.
For example, I have a client who is a naturopath and is always posting about the yummy recipes she creates for her clients to use. She created a free community specifically for her clients and their friends to find and post recipes for particular gut issues. This community has gotten to the point where the posts run themselves, and she posts recipes every now and again – She is finding the community members are posting their own recipes too. The engagement she gets from this group is impressive – and when she has a product to sell…guess who snaps it up first? You got it! Her community!
Another example: I have another client who is an Early Childhood Consultant. She started her business only a couple of years ago and only recently began work on the social media side of things. She created a group for the people who work in the childcare industry – this community is where she gets to talk about the new rules and regulations for the sector…therefore she is the expert in her field! She is providing value, educating her community and creates sales when she does have something to sell. To give you an idea on her numbers, she grew the community group to over 100 people in just a few days. In addition, I coached her this year, and she created a book that she now sells (again, proving she is the expert) and also runs workshops (face to face and online) plus events where others in her field come to talk too. All through social media and the tools, I have taught her. #proudmoment
Part 2 coming soon…
Emma 👩🏼💻
Award-winning expert in getting sh*t done, author, coach, mentor & mum