Bulli, NSW, Australia
+61 406 940 780

I unsubscribe

Clinical Hypnotherapy - Psychotherapy - Rapid Transformational Therapy - EMDR - Meditation - Breathwork - Author

I unsubscribe

I unsubscribe.

For some weeks I have been annoyed by the music artist Drake appearing on my Spotify playlists all the flipppin’ time. I just don’t vibe with his music, and I was getting frustrated with him appearing without my ‘permission’, so to speak. Yet, of course, Spotify is a platform that streams music they ‘think’ we like. It’s a suggested thing, much like what we are suggested on other Social Media platforms.

I was getting frustrated, muttering profanities and hating on the poor dude. I felt like his music was being pushed on me. And I just don’t like it.

I could have gotten annoyed and yelled at Siri to change the song.
But I didn’t.

I googled how to remove an artist from my Spotify. It took a few minutes, and eventually, I worked it out. Now, he will never play on my account ever again! Winning.

Of course, this blog post isn’t about me getting frustrated with Drake. It’s a message to you about your frustrations. Are you getting annoyed with what is being seemingly pushed upon you – from social media, the news and the like? Did you know you can unsubscribe? Unsubscribe from the dialogue, unsubscribe from the influence. And yes! You can even unfollow people on your feed who you don’t vibe with…#choice

Then, of course, going onto another level…can you learn to unsubscribe to the dialogue of your own thoughts? You get to choose where you place your attention – you read that correctly – you get to CHOOSE. Always.

Yes, it may take a bit of effort. And in some cases, a whole lot of effort – but it’s possible. Sometimes, we need help, and that’s okay – I now believe we should all get therapy at some point. Support, direction and accountability all help.

So, my friend – what can you unsubscribe from?

Emma x

PS I have an incredible short 3-hour workshop on the 28/10 called Release – AKA Letting go of our f*cks. It will be a lighthearted, enjoyable way to learn how to meditate, journal, reconnect to yourself and let it goooooooooo!

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