Taking the leap and routines

Have you ever felt yourself coming to a complete stop when you should be moving forward?
Your heart and gut are saying ‘GO FOR IT’…
Your mind says NO.
It could be starting a family, starting a business or taking that new job. But, how do you know you are ready for the leap?
The uncertainty of all can stop you in your tracks. I know, I’ve been there a lot. One minute I’m thinking ‘Yes, this is it. I can do this…’ then a moment later I tell myself ‘This is the worst decision I have ever made’.
So, how do we move forward with any momentum at all? Swinging back and forth with the indecision is EXHAUSTING. You know what I’m saying, don’t you?
Well, one thing I tell myself is – that there is no such thing as failure—only feedback. I am using to failing so many times; it’s nearly normal! I take it all as feedback and useful lessons I would never have learnt without it.
This kind of life experience can’t be paid for on a course.
The other thing I consider is that the feeling of being anxious about taking the leap – can be confused with excitement. Did you know that the brain/mind does this? So, I consider this and even tell myself it’s feelings of excitement, not dread that I am feeling.
Let me tell you that all the feelings you get when taking chances are normal. So be kind to yourself. Often ‘freezing’ in fear is due to dwelling on the past and worrying about the future. With re-framing this – you can turn this into a positive force to move forward.
Another thing that has popped up for me in the past is ‘perfectionism’. Being a Virgo, I felt this was stronger than most people. Wanting things to be perfect is unachievable – because it’s rare that you get it right every time. Plus, perfectionism is often driven by that ‘inner critic’ voice inside…I told mine to eff’ off. It was not helpful.
On occasion when I am tired or emotional, it can jump back in, but I recognise it – and again tell it to eff’ off.
I really think the key to all of this is my ‘routines’ or what I like to call ‘rituals’. Without consistent rituals, the wheels fall off my bus fast!
These are the foundations for anyone’s success. Ask anyone who achieved greatness, what they did… you’ll find that they will have been consistent in their routines every day.
Mine look a bit like this – and can change if need be. But honestly, I stick to them 90% of the day. I believe that my discipline creates my freedom.
5.30 am – Wake and gratitude practice, feed the cats and listen to the birds
6-7 am – Beach, dip in the pool or walk in nature and a bit of journalling
8-9 am – Breakfast and get ready for the day
9-12 pm – Work with clients and on my business
12-1 pm – Walk break and food
1-4 pm – Clients and business again
4 pm onwards – Catch up with my daughter or friends, go for a swim or relax and read. I’m usually in bed around 9-10 pm, and yes, I do watch a Netflix show on occasion. No TV and I tend to not eat later than 7pm.
This routine can change, of course, but this is the usual framework. I know if I miss my morning rituals, this affects the rest of my day.
I have done this for a long while now, and I know myself. I know what works and I know whats going on if I am out of whack quite quickly. It allows me to regulate my emotions when the shit hits the fan (it does!) and it also allows me space to move in my business. Plus I get quality time with my girl.
I can’t express this enough. Discipline creates freedom.
Create your discipline. Your freedom will follow.
Emma x