The Light Series

Allow me to introduce to you the Light Series.
Over the past few years of working with my beautiful female clients, I have witnessed several patterns.
A pattern of these women not shining their true light.
A pattern of these women not allowing their inner light to guide them, even though they intuitively know they should.
A pattern of these women dimming their light for others and society.
A pattern of these women staying in the echos of the past.
A pattern of these women refusing their inner calling of ‘there is more to be done’.
A pattern of these women ignoring the signs.
A pattern of these women not trusting themselves.
A pattern of these women ‘waiting’ for permission.
A pattern of these women wanting to inspire others and not knowing how.
A pattern of these women ignoring their inner wisdom.
A pattern of these women’s bodies becoming unwell.
A pattern of these women who have a light to shine.
Yes, including me.
As a result, after meditation, contemplation and listening to my inner light – I have designed the Light Series.
So, let me tell you a bit more, and I will keep allowing this message to flow over the coming weeks…there is so much to say to you all! I know that if you have read this far, it’s for you. You can’t deny this sh*t.
The Light Series is essentially a program you can access online. The three-day mini-course and masterclass are free and lead into an intensive six-week 1:1 with me in November.
What does it involve? Well, you’ll need to join to get all the details – but there is a tonne of content that will allow you to let that light out and SHINE. Shine bright like you are meant to.
More information will come out over the coming days/weeks, and I would love for you to join me and others on this journey.
If you are keen to learn more, register here:
If you have an inkling, this is for you – then it is.
With light,
Emma x