Bulli, NSW, Australia
+61 406 940 780

Author: admin

Clinical Hypnotherapy - Psychotherapy - Rapid Transformational Therapy - EMDR - Meditation - Breathwork - Author

What is a fear-based relationship?

These are relationships and attachments that only exist through fear of loss. These relationships once made sense, but can often be co-dependent and unhealthy. If you notice that you can’t be your real self when you are with this person, this is a sign of a fear-based relationship. You fear to lose them through being…
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Your language is your reality

What are you telling yourself? This self-talk malarky is never flippin’ ending, is it? Yes, you know what I am talking about – that voice in your head. And if there’s a voice saying there is no voice. That’s the one. Listen in. What is it saying? What is it repeating? Knowing that we have…
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Why ignoring the ever-changing dynamics of the internet will leave you behind your competitors

No one wants to be left behind, do they? We can bitch and whine about the internet changing our lives. We can bitch and whine about the fact that social media has changed how we communicate. Yes. We can do that. Or we can do something else entirely. We can embrace it all. To be…
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Use the Messenger platform to connect to your customers and free up your time

Communicating quickly with your customers and also freeing up your time sounds like a paradox, doesn’t it? You know you need to talk to them and give them answers fast (as we know they will think subconsciously that you have ignored them, even though its 9 pm on a Sunday). You also don’t want to…
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How you can become the expert by writing an eBook – part 1

Gosh, where do I start with this one? It’s one tool I have been shouting about for quite a while as it’s so fucking easy to do! Before I get too excited, let me answer the questions that may be already popping up as soon as you thought ‘I have to write a book?’… Q.…
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Create Value & Build Trust with your clients – Part 2

Part 1 is here: https://emmaqueen.com.au/create-value-build-trust-with-your-clients-part-1/ Leading on from yesterday’s post… How do you create value?  Well, it’s lucky I wrote you a list, hey?  1. WOW your clients!  I remember a few years ago I joined an organisation’s course and unexpectedly I received a parcel in the mail with heaps of goodies! There were books,…
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Create Value & Build Trust with your clients – Part 1

‘Trust needs to built’ wouldn’t you agree? So, how do you build trust when there are seemingly a gazillion other businesses trying to sell their shit ‘out there’? You may feel lost and unheard…don’t worry…I’ve been there. And it can be fucking lonely. I agree. Yet. It’s totally doable! Think about how you build trust…
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*Easy ways to use social media to create a following – Part 2*

Part 1 Click HERE. Other ways to create a following on social media: VIDEO. VIDEO. VIDEO. VIDEO. I couldn’t yell this high enough from the trees! And yeh, I am feeling you. The thought of creating videos made me feel sick to my stomach. All my fears came up…however. I got over it. I got…
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Easy ways to use social media to create a following – Part 1

What you need to understand firstly with all social media platforms is that their aim and purpose is to be social.   Facebook’s mission has changed over the years, and right now, they are focusing on ‘community’. So going with that concept – you need to create a community.   But hang on! I hear…
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Why you love to sit in your past. Oh, and why you will stay there

**327 words to wake you up today** Think about this for a moment: 🤨 By the time you are 35 years old, 90% of what you do/say/think are repetitive hardwired actions in your brain. 🤨 Just like a computer program, your choices and emotional reactions/beliefs are in there. 🤨 Your identity has been created by…
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