Bulli, NSW, Australia
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Author: admin

Clinical Hypnotherapy - Psychotherapy - Rapid Transformational Therapy - EMDR - Meditation - Breathwork - Author

Still human

I want to write and create every day. Yet, daily I have a fight with myself. “You don’t have enough time, Emma. You have other important tasks to achieve”. And I have to say, that voice is persuasive and is also the truth. But the yearning and calling to create is intense, particularly on the…
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Getting icky

Allow me to share the recent dialogue with you all: Brain: Want to get outside your comfort zone, Emma? Like, REALLY outside of it? So much so that you will feel super uncomfortable and icky? Brain: Yes, why not?  Brain: Wait. Who answered that?  Brain: Me, I answered that. Brain: Hang on, I don’t want to feel icky.…
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Why you won’t do the work, if you don’t invest

Why you won’t do the work if you don’t invest. So many people ask me about the therapy I do, and I often get the ‘that’s too expensive’ comment. Well, it’s relative, isn’t it? What someone deems as expensive vs another is completely relative. And honestly, there needs to be a price, right? Some people…
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Meditation with a tractor

I have been teaching meditation for nearly a year. And I have been meditating myself for several years. But in today’s class, it was a first! Allow me to explain. As the class was beginning, we thought it would make a difference to do the session on the balcony. We usually stay inside with the…
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Coming out of the spiritual closet

Coming out of the spiritual closet. Not even ten years ago, I was talking to my mate and noticed she had an envelope on her bench from the Spiritualist Society. I asked her about it and thought she must go to church. She laughed and said no! She asked if I thought spiritual meant God,…
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The Light Series

Allow me to introduce to you the Light Series. Over the past few years of working with my beautiful female clients, I have witnessed several patterns. A pattern of these women not shining their true light.A pattern of these women not allowing their inner light to guide them, even though they intuitively know they should.A…
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Caught up in the ‘doing’ again

Resentment. Anger. P*ssed off. Tired. Oh, so tired. Directionless. Confused. These emotions are not only echoes of the past but also still come up from time to time. Yes, even now – after doing all the personal development work, I have done. As much as I don’t like admitting it…I still have a version of…
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How to define personal power

You have the power.  You have all the power. Reread it.  ALL THE POWER.  You get to create your reality. Yes, even the shit stuff.  I know. I know. It’s hard to hear this when you are not in a good space.  Please don’t get me wrong – I am not talking about horrible things…
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You have the power part 3

Part 1 is here: https://emmaqueen.com.au/you-have-the-power/ Part 2 is here: https://emmaqueen.com.au/you-have-the-power-part-2/ In the last blog on this subject, I spoke about what it looks like to have lost your power. In today’s blog, I will explain what it looks like to have tuned into your power.  In my Rapid Transformational Therapy (RTT) sessions, this is what…
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Can hypnotherapy help depression?

Depression is a serious and challenging condition that can have a significant impact on your quality of life. It’s characterised by feelings of helplessness, hopelessness and worthlessness, as well as disruption in sleep, eating habits and concentration levels. Seeking help from a licensed therapist is recommended when trying to overcome depression, but hypnosis may be…
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