Bulli, NSW, Australia
+61 406 940 780

Category: Mindset

Clinical Hypnotherapy - Psychotherapy - Rapid Transformational Therapy - EMDR - Meditation - Breathwork - Author

You like it

You are in pain. You are suffering. You are feeling heavy, sluggish and tired. You know you can help yourself, but you are too busy to make the change you know you need. You are too preoccupied with getting that thing done, sorted, organised, finished. You also know you can ask for help and reckon…
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Your Mask

Your mask. You wear it well huh? You know what I am talking about too, hey ? The smile you plaster on your face, when inside you are really shattered. The fake laugh you make, when inside you want to scream. The breath you hold, when you see that thing/person/situation. The face that is now…
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The bullsh*t of balance

You know those kind of dreams that you feel like you are trying to get to a destination? Yet you can’t seem to get there? Or that you are trying to get to something before it happens? Like you are running out of time? The dream where you feel like you are constantly ‘searching’ for…
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I can’t

So I am sitting here thinking about how I could do a thousand things. There is always a thousand things to be done isn’t there? Always a list to follow. A list to make and a list to shove back into the drawer. There’s also another thousand things that I could do. I could do…
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Mum Guilt Can Suck Balls

It doesn’t matter what I do. Its not enough. I push and push and yet I feel like I am getting no-where. In fact, its like I am going backwards. Hurtling backwards into an effin’ hole that I can’t see an end to. I am tired. I am over it. I am sick of trying.…
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Life is funny ol’ thing hey? You really don’t know when it will change in a moment. A snap of the fingers, a heart beat, a breath. It can change, just like that. Good and bad. The feeling of losing someone. Your life changes at that moment. The feeling of finding someone. You life changes…
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I was wrong

I was wrong. I have been wrong and I will probably keep being wrong somewhere in my life. What was I wrong about? Gosh, where do I start? Before I get into that, let me tell you a bit of a back story (not a justification either). More of a ‘filler in’… For years I…
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How does she do it? {Confessions of a mum in biz}

I feel guilt. I feel guilt. I feel like I could do better. I feel like I am a failure as a mum. I know its not just me. I used to even say that ‘guilt started upon conception’. (Yes I drank a whole bottle of wine the night before I found out I was…
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I want to give up

I have been flat out. Super busy. Head down, bum up. Pushing, pushing, doing, doing and doing some more. Come up for air? Who the feck has time for that? No time. No time. I feel like the rabbit in Alice in Wonderland. Keep going. Just a bit more. The pressure only builds as the…
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Roll over.

Hearing the alarm and rolling over with a sigh. That slow recognition that its morning and I feel like I didn’t sleep at all. I can hear the familiar sounds of the house and the birds starting to sing. I feel that heavy body feeling and I sink deeper into my blankets. This aches. That…
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