Bulli, NSW, Australia
+61 406 940 780

Category: Mindset

Clinical Hypnotherapy - Psychotherapy - Rapid Transformational Therapy - EMDR - Meditation - Breathwork - Author

Simon’s Story

The power of hypnotherapy astounds me still and I thought I’d share a lovely story from a client in New Zealand. Have a read: I was a little nervous prior to meeting Emma as I had never been put into hypnosis before and was not sure what to expect.  Emma was warm and friendly and put…
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Taking the leap and routines

Have you ever felt yourself coming to a complete stop when you should be moving forward? Your heart and gut are saying ‘GO FOR IT’… Yet. Your mind says NO. It could be starting a family, starting a business or taking that new job. But, how do you know you are ready for the leap?…
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What is alignment and how do you achieve it?

I was journalling on ‘alignment’ not quite three years ago – see the pic and something occurred to me.  Being in alignment in myself, as a parent, in my biz and all other areas of my world is something I continually work on. It’s not easy, but… anyone can do it.  But before I get…
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Make your future more compelling than your past

  You may have noticed that you or other people you know, love to sit in their past! They love to regale stories of past achievements and will relish in the stories of failed marriages, lost loves and other such sad things. Who do you know who does this? Do you do it?   This is sitting…
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My soul wants to tell you something…

Now, let me be clear here. I didn’t wake up today and think to myself ‘ I need to share something’. I actually woke up a little groggy from a Christmas last night… What I did do was open my laptop with a coffee in hand and just started typing.No thinking. No decisions. Just doing.…
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The guilts. We all get them at some level, don’t we? Entrepreneur guilt is especially common among business owners, and while it’s nice to know we’re not alone (and we are so not alone), it’s not so helpful, right? Guilt makes us feel like crap. It makes us feel not worthy. You get it. All is not lost,…
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What is RTT?

What Is RTT®? Rapid Transformational Therapy® embraces many of the positive aspects of hypnosis and hypnotherapy that are known to produce a transformative effect on clients: the use of trance, regression and hypnotic conditioning. However, RTT® goes beyond, diagnosing what works with clients to build a new therapeutic approach. Unlike many hypnotherapists, RTT® does not rely solely…
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*New Kids On The Block* – Step by Step (ooooh baby!)

I have no shame in admitting that in the early years of my life, I was swept up in the NKOTB craze. Those five boys from Boston (I bet you say ‘Boston’ as I do in my head?) set emotions off and I was hooked by the dancing, their good looks and those catchy sound…
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44 things

It’s my birthday today! 🎈This was really fun to do and I thought I’d show you 44 things I have done/you may not know about me – to celebrate the big 44 today!!   Let’s go!   👑 I am British and yes I have met the Queen. When I was 12 I was picked…
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The Ego – Part 3

Check out your ego! (Part 3) So, ways of successfully satisfying your ego (so it can work brilliantly into the version of you that you want to be…) is to do one important thing. * The universe says YES to to every request we make. When we ask for something in life, it is given…
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