I forgot

I forgot.
Why do we keep doing the same shit over and over again? What’s that about?
Seriously. 🤬
I am cranky with myself yet again. I flippin’ FORGOT!!
In no particular order…
I forgot that I love to write.
I forgot that I love to help.
I forgot that I love my daily rituals.
I forgot that I love to move.
I forgot that I love nature.
I forgot that I have people around me who love me.
I forgot that I have people around me that support me.
I forgot that I am resourceful.
I forgot that I am entertaining.
I forgot that I am healthy.
I forgot that I love a hot shower after a swim in the ocean.
I forgot that I love to read for hours at a time.
I forgot that I love the early morning sun on my skin.
I forgot that I love to journal my thoughts out.
I forgot that I love to have afternoon naps.
I forgot that I love deep and meaningful conversations.
I forgot that I love to smile at kids and strangers.
I forgot that I love to meander through book stores.
I forgot that I love to listen to 90’s rock whilst driving.
I forgot that I love to hold my loved one’s hands.
I forgot that I love the feel of sand between my toes.
I forgot that I love to float in the sea and stare at the sky.
I forgot that I love to cry at ‘The Notebook’.
Why did I forget? Gosh, that could be a book in itself.
So right now…I just let go of ‘why’.
I let go of “what if”?
I let go of hanging onto the past.
I let go of waiting for things to change.
I let go of holding my breath.
I let go of “maybe’s”.
Then I remember what I forgot. And do that.
Emma xx