Why ignoring the ever-changing dynamics of the internet will leave you behind your competitors

No one wants to be left behind, do they?
We can bitch and whine about the internet changing our lives.
We can bitch and whine about the fact that social media has changed how we communicate.
Yes. We can do that.
Or we can do something else entirely.
We can embrace it all.
To be honest, I think we have so many opportunities now that the internet is what it is. I remember the days that I had to run about putting flyers in coffee shops/on notice boards when I first started my business – with the aim of reaching people. Now all I have to do is make a post on social media, and more people will see it than ever!
Sometimes I think we need to be reminded of the awesomeness that we have today:
* We have mini-computers (phones) in our pockets
* We can create content using our phones using the camera and audio…then utilise the internet to post this content
* We can broadcast live to the world from the comfort of our homes (well, the beach in my instance) – that in itself is pretty fucking cool hey?
* We can write books and publish them within hours with the power of the internet/computers
* We can record our voice, and someone else will type our words!
I am sure there are so many more things we can celebrate, but I still get excited at the opportunities that are constantly surrounding us.
Right now, social media is just like when TV came into our lives. Before I was born, when radio was replaced by TV – there was outrage! I think times are a changing and people are not watching TV at times the TV channels are saying. People are switching to Netflix and other streaming channels…consumers are making their own choices.
What’s interesting is the big-guns (large businesses) are still advertising on TV…and it will only be a matter of time until they turn to promote themselves on social media channels. So for now – I believe small to medium businesses can make great waves on social media platforms now.
Shying away from technology and what I have spoken about will leave you behind from your competitors. That’s a fact.
Remember – Kodak didn’t believe in digital photography and folded as a result.
The technology and social media platforms we have now can help your business grow. By starting with the things I have spoken about already – you can increase customer leads and sales.
You will be able to answer customer enquiries automatically – see my blog on Messenger here. Fast and effective customer service is vital in today’s fast marketplace too.
You can make sales 24/7 world-wide especially if your business is online. Who doesn’t want to make sales while they sleep?
Speaking of money – the majority of what I have talked about is very cost-effective…not to mention time-saving!
You can use technology to make your employees more efficient. The tools and apps you can get these days really make it super easy to work with your staff. Perhaps I will do another blog on this subject #staytuned
Technology allows us to track where sales are coming from and where we can find them. You can understand marketing trends and together with reporting and analysis – your marketing strategies are better utilised.
Lastly, and it’s not last if you get what I mean…with today’s technology, a one man (or woman) show can look huge online. And that’s great for us, solopreneurs! This perception works well for small business and adds to the trust element from the customer’s point of view.
As you can tell, I am a massive fan of technology and even though I started my business in the old school way – I am loving that I can create, launch and talk to my audience at any time of the day or night.
At first, I found some tech hard to learn/use…but the power of Google has helped me every time. So if you find yourself at a loss, just head to Google and ask the question. #soeasy
Award-winning expert in getting sh*t done, author, coach, mentor & mum