Bulli, NSW, Australia
+61 406 940 780

Category: Mindset

Clinical Hypnotherapy - Psychotherapy - Rapid Transformational Therapy - EMDR - Meditation - Breathwork - Author

What is a fear-based relationship?

These are relationships and attachments that only exist through fear of loss. These relationships once made sense, but can often be co-dependent and unhealthy. If you notice that you can’t be your real self when you are with this person, this is a sign of a fear-based relationship. You fear to lose them through being…
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Your language is your reality

What are you telling yourself? This self-talk malarky is never flippin’ ending, is it? Yes, you know what I am talking about – that voice in your head. And if there’s a voice saying there is no voice. That’s the one. Listen in. What is it saying? What is it repeating? Knowing that we have…
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Why you love to sit in your past. Oh, and why you will stay there

**327 words to wake you up today** Think about this for a moment: 🤨 By the time you are 35 years old, 90% of what you do/say/think are repetitive hardwired actions in your brain. 🤨 Just like a computer program, your choices and emotional reactions/beliefs are in there. 🤨 Your identity has been created by…
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I’ve Decided.

The frustration. The disappointment. The constant juggle. What emotion will I experience today? The knowing I deserve so much more. That tug in my gut, that things could be so different. So different. But I am scared. Scared of where I am right now. Scared of where I will land. How often are you having…
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I said NO to a publishing deal in London

**Warning, super honest (maybe controversial?) sharing-post coming – all true too** Gosh, this book writing malarkey can take you places! Yes, It’s true…I said NO to a publishing deal in the UK on my trip a couple of weeks ago. Allow me to start at the beginning to explain in full. Anyone following me for…
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Lean in.

A first I couldn’t recognise the feeling. A nagging reminder something was wrong. A sense that I had nearly missed it – the familiarity of it. Like an old foe tapping at my shoulder. Tap, tap, tap. Hey! Over here… NOTICE ME! Yet, I didn’t want to turn my head. I knew that even if…
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Always on the move. Always tweaking. Always adjusting. Always looking forward.   Even at a snail’s pace. It’s a forward move.   People often ask me how I do it.   This stops me in my tracks (for a second!) and I really have to think hard. Because I have now conditioned myself to be…
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Gratitude saved my life

Gratitude – it saved my life. I speak about it often. Nearly daily, in fact. Why? Cos’ it saved me. How? I hear you ask… It saved me from me. It saved me from overthinking the bullshit. It saved me from over analysing the crap in my life. Gratitude stopped me from my victim state…
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Your Art.

Bloody hell.   I just wrote 700 words.   Then deleted it all.   Why? It just didn’t serve me or anyone by writing about it. It was just piffle. I’ll admit that it was a tad hard to press delete as I consider my writing to be a work of art…yes you can laugh…
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Who are you?

Your identity. Who are you really? Who are you at your core? Does this identity define your daily actions? This subject is one that I return to time and time again…when I need to reflect on what I am doing in my life. So I will flick the concept over to you today! To help…
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