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Author: admin

Clinical Hypnotherapy - Psychotherapy - Rapid Transformational Therapy - EMDR - Meditation - Breathwork - Author

You have the power – part 2

Right, so you read the last blog around having the power – if you didn’t, head there now! If you are still querying this on whether you have the power, let’s look at some warning signs on whether your personal power has been depleted… You complain about things in your life, but don’t change them…
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You have the power

You have the power. You have all the power. Reread it. ALL THE POWER. You get to create your reality. Yes, even the shit stuff. I know. I know. It’s hard to hear this when you are not in a good space. Please don’t get me wrong – I am not talking about horrible things…
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Rapid Transformational Therapy Hypnotherapy

DISCOVER THE POWERFUL THERAPY METHOD THAT’S TRANSFORMING LIVES ALL AROUND THE WORLD What if There Was a Way To Resolve Even the Most Deep-Rooted Issue? From anxiety and depression to phobias and insomnia, Rapid Transformational Therapy® has the power to help people overcome a wide range of issues. Rapid Transformational Therapy (RTT) is a very…
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The click

Do you ever feel a ‘click’ in your mind and body when you just ‘decide’ that something needs to change or WILL change? No? Ok, keep reading…I think you might benefit from reading this blog. I had this click over the weekend. It was like something in my body fell into place – and so…
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What is it to live intentionally? How do you live with intention? 

What is it to live intentionally? How do you live with intention?  Cos’ this is something I have consciously been working on for several years now…and it bloomin’ works! What is living with ‘intention’? And why am I even asking the question? It’s easy to say that you can live with intention – but what…
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The duck f*ckers – How I got a bad book review and how it helped me realise how brave I am

The duck f*ckers – How I got a bad book review and how it helped me realise how brave I am. (Amongst other things) Allow me to explain.  I started writing books around 6/7 years ago as I had a lot to say, and books were the easiest way to get the message out there.…
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Get the f*ck over yourself

Taken from chapter one of my book ‘Get the f*ck over yourself’ – click here to purchase. What the heck are you talkin’ about?  “Get over yourself.”  “Are you over it yet?”  “Jeez, why don’t you move past this and get over it?”  “For f*ck’s sake! Get over it!”  “Get. The. F*ck. Over. Yourself.”  Okay, peeps,…
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Negative thinking – 5 ways to influence your thoughts

Negative thinking – 5 ways to influence your thoughts “What the head repeats, the heart wants to heal…” I don’t know where I heard this saying. But it was only recently, and when I heard it – it hit me hard. Those looping thoughts going around and around your head all day about the same…
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Above the line thinking

Have you ever thought to yourself that perhaps there are two schools of thought when it comes to thinking? Maybe even two different types of people? When the shit hits the fan, how do you react? Do you react the same as your friend or a family member? So for people, when there is stress……
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Tweak, then tweak some more

As I journaled this morning, I realised (again) that I truly believe my own bullshit. I know. I know. I must talk about this often. And guess what? If you are resonating with this already…you probably do too. Our mind takes no sides. It tells stories, and for the most part, these are make-believe. And…
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