Bulli, NSW, Australia
+61 406 940 780

Category: Living with intention

Clinical Hypnotherapy - Psychotherapy - Rapid Transformational Therapy - EMDR - Meditation - Breathwork - Author

The Ego – Part 2

Check out your ego! (Part 2) So, be aware of when your ego is working against you. It WILL create endless obstacles to getting things done. It WILL create blocks. It WILL create amnesia…causing you to forget to do the ‘change’ work. It MAY blast you with negative mind chatter which can successfully blow all…
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The Ego

Check out your ego! It’s cool, your ego has an important role in our inner world. One of the ego’s jobs is to keep us safe and on familiar ground, never far from where we know is safe. It does do a good job of keeping us in our ‘safe zone’ and ‘away from trouble’…
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Making decisions using HALT – Hungry, angry, lonely and tired

You know when you find something that really resonates with you, and you want to share it? Well, I have a beauty for you. It’s called H.A.L.T. So, allow me to me explain… HALT is a fabulous acronym that allows you to stop (momentarily) and evaluate your self-care, physical being and mental state. Paying attention…
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Watch your language

Now, I know what you’re already thinking. ‘Emma, you can be a bit a of a swear-bear’, and you are correct – but today I am talking about the language you tell yourself.  More specifically, the habitual and perhaps unconscious words you are ‘putting out there’.  But before I delve in – you do need…
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I am too busy for meditation or mindfulness

I know. I say it too. And I know that most of you repeat this mantra. I reckon that is part of the problem. You are programming yourself and believe it. Therefore you are too busy to do these things. What if you walked around for a week saying you had the time to meditate…
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What you are doing wrong when you practice gratitude

I know. I know.  How can you go wrong when it comes to gratitude? Surely any practice is better than no practice? Well, kinda… So, let’s have a quick chat about this.  I know that some of you reading, may do a gratitude practice of sorts. You may write a list of the things you…
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Managing stress

I get asked by many people, “I am stressed out, how do I change this?” Or at the very least…I see people with the world on their shoulders – and they are so lost in the fear they don’t know where to go. Managing your state can be easier than you realise. And it’s all…
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Where your attention goes, energy flows.

What are your thoughts on this? Where your attention goes, energy flows. I first heard it at a Tony Robbins event many years ago, but these days I see it on a deeper level. We are all energy. What we focus on, grows. What we place our attention on, also grows. Focus on good stuff?…
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What if?

What if that little idea actually became a reality? What if? What if you decided to do something a lil’ different, that could create a massive change in your life? What if? What if you reminded yourself of your untapped potential and applied it to that thing you’ve wanted to try? What if? What if…
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Love. (Insights from accidentally watchings MAFS) Channelling my inner Tina Turner – What’s love got to do with it? A f*ck tonne, I reckon. And I am not talking about romantic love here. Although I know, that’s very cool. I’m talking about love. Full. Stop. Love your yourself. In fact, do you even love yourself?…
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